Thursday 10 May 2012

Off to Manchester

I havent wrote for like a weeeeek, I had such a busy weekend and was ill this week and now im off to Manchester for the weekend to see some friends! Will write all about it when im home.

Thursday 3 May 2012

New stufff :)

Yesterday I spent all day painting furniture! SO boring!
On Tuesday I went into town with my mum, and we found a lovely dressing table! I have been looking for one for so long, and my mum treated me to it! It came today...

I absolutely love it! Its exactly the same colour as all my other furniture, and fits just nicely in my room. My mum gave me this mirror, which was black, but I painted it white. Now I have something to get ready at, so exciting! 

ALSO... My shoes got delivered today. I have wanted these for ages now. They were £38, which I could just not afford right now, but as I was browsing urban outfitters the other night, I saw they were reduced to £10! Obviously I had to buy them. they are so lovely and summery, can't wait for this weekend now!

Monday 30th April

Well I haven't actually blogged about my week yet and its thursday!
I have been mega busy this week, on Monday I went shopping to try and find an outfit for this weekend as its my friends birthday on Friday.
 This is what I wore shopping. For once I actually liked my hair and was having a alright hair day. I stupidly got my hair cut a couple weeks ago, and even stupider I let my friend cut it. Bad idea, I now have choppy blunt layers everywhere! So I have been wearing it up a lot lately, bad times, as I really don't like wearing my hair up!
This sleeveless cardigan i bought from a charity shop a couple weeks ago, and I didn't think I liked it, and i didn't really know what to wear it with, but I found a long sleeved top and leggings. Think it goes pretty well :)

Surprisingly I didn't actually buy that much, partly because Torquay is rubbish for shopping and because I have ordered so much online this week! I bought this burgundy long skirt, I have been after one this colour for a while and this was only £3, good old primark, and a off white mens t shirt, as I love big t shirts with leggings. Also bought some rollers.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Just quickly read this before I run off to the post office to send some ebay stuff off!
Everyone should check it out, especially if your a massive Caggie lover like me!
Really good interview, very excited to see what else ISWAI has coming out in the future!